
just express yourself through words



smundr jitna ghra n shi ghra to hai

Hr ek din nya chehra to hai

Bhool nhi pate bite jamano ko hm

N chahe fir bhi aage Jeena to Hai



सुमंद्र जितना गहरा न सही गहरा तो है हर एक दिन नया चेहरा तो है

भूल नही पाते बीते जमानों को हम ,न चाहे फिर भी आगे जीना तो है !

1.In this poetry (poet) says that the relationship between us and life is not so deep as sea (TO HAI JEENA)

In this poetry poet says that it is deep as it is.Everyday is just like new face, we are not able to forget the past memories, but we can live with these memories, these memories can be good or bad but always be the part of us. Whether we would like to live or not, but we should live with these memories.

Further the poet says that everything of us revolve around life, without life what is the existence of us.However,relationship between us and life is very much deep but superficial it is not seems as much deep.

Sometimes we never give importance to life, but we could do if we died. If we died then there is no scope for doing anything.So,keep yourself alive. Life is too beautiful if it is lived with dignity and grace.

2. Life is not about doubting yourself it is opportunity to make yourself (TO HAI JEENA)

There may be struggle but this struggle can end when you focus on positivity. Life is an opportunity to create anything beautiful. This is in your hands to live a life with positive attitude.

Sometimes life is not favorable for us, so it doesn’t matter to give up on life. Further, the writer says that we should keep a positive attitude for our today then tomorrow will change automatically.

Next the writer says that we should keep an open mind so we can be able to see the positivity in everything. Because positivity present in everything.

This is totally depending on us in which way we live our life. Because to survive is easy but to live life is very difficult.Everytime we have faced many problems because of our attitude towards life. We should keep positive and holistic attitude towards life. However, we should keep holistic approach. is always beautiful because it is a divine gift. (To Hai Jeena)

In this heading the writer says that life is very awesome for someone who want to live it positively. However, sometimes it become lesson for us. It teaches us how to grow and handle the difficult situation.Furthermore,the writer says that life is totally a divine gift. We all are creations of God.So,we should keep in mind that we live life beautifully with divine blessings.

God bless us a beautiful life so that this is our responsibility to live it fully. When we ignore opportunity in our life then it became meaningless. So, we have to focus on opportunities. Life is to live, not to waste.

so, whenever the opportunity we get we should use full potential to live it without wasting it. Life is to live not to regret.

Always live life with hope, not with pessimistic attitude, what you will do it affect your whole life. Life is just a combination of goodness and bad things so always be grateful to God because he gives you a beautiful life.

4.Hope:(To Hai Jeena)

In this poetry the writer says that life is a hope. it helps us to remain open to receive anything which we expect from life. But for better we should be hopeful. Further the writer says that nothing can impossible if we keep positive attitude. Sometimes a positive attitude changes a negative thing in our life. So, keep optimistic attitude for life.

Most worst thing in life is hopeless feelings. Sometimes we feel along because everything we have lost. But life never end. But we should live in present moment and accept the past. Although it is not easy to forget the past. But we cannot die for the things which have already gone.


In this poetry the poet says that sometimes problems are the reasons of our motivation. Because problems come in our life not just to keep us hopeless. This is completely depending on us which we learn from this. Sometimes problems make you strong as well as strong personality. On the other hand, the writer says that we should always keep an inner force which helps us to move towards the goal.

Furthermore, the writer says that motivation is the key to success. A wise person always tries to search the solution of problems instead of giving up. The writer says that love your inner will which motivate you to keep moving forward. Undoubtedly never give up on your dreams as well as goals.

The most beautiful things about motivation it never makes you bored. It increases your cognitive as well as emotional intelligence.

Dedicated to music#


In conclusion, Author says that everything happens in our life all these events are beautiful. we should enjoy them because these all things make us strong to cope up with the life’s problems. So, we have to live a life without discarded old memories. If we make choice for anything our hope changes it into a valid result.

Next the writer says that everything happens in our life to keep us strong. If we are motivated, then nothing can change our attitude towards our goal.

In addition, the writer says that we cannot change our past, but we can change our attitude towards present and future. We should leave our nostalgia behind and make some beautiful decision for present and future. The author says that never depressed yourself for past. The things which already gone they will never come back.

The writer says that a human beings should follow law of nature. Everything around us happen to teach us for betterment in life.So,we keep open mind to receive all the positive things.

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