
just express yourself through words



yu hamdard na ban mera ,mere dard hzar hai

tut jayega sbr tera, mere jkhm hzar hai

smundr si hai Zindagi, Zindagi me naav hzar hai

n jane kb milegi manzil ,milne ko to raste hzar hai .

Sad Sayari, Zindagi

Introduction (Zindagi)

1. No one can understand the situation in which a person is going through continuously. Everyone waits for a moment. Next time they move on without understand the condition of a person.

2.Understanding need patience and there is lack of patience in everybody therefore it leads to misunderstanding.

3. life is not fair for the person who is in the struggle phase. His life is just like a deep ocean in which there are many boats in ocean but there is lack of true boat which helps to cross the ocean.

dedicated to

1.There are many ways to reach out a destination but there is not a final destination. (Zindagi)

In life we meet many people but in reality, we all are alone. Nobody can understand us truly. Everybody wants a final destination in their life. But the writer is enough sad that he can’t see any destination. He only dreamed of it.The writer says that I am enough tired because I am not getting my destination. The writer says that I am going through many ways only for one destination.

But the writer says that these ways are very difficult for me.I am doing hard work for my destination. But ultimately, I am suffered from many pains. These pains are breaking me inside.

Life is full of struggle and this struggle helps us to reach final destination, if we look for possibilities then we will be able to find opportunities so let reach possibilities.

3. Believe in yourself, stay focused. Shape yourself for better tomorrow. respect yourself because you are the true warrior of your journey.

2.The final destination. (Zindagi)

In this heading the writer tries to clear up some thoughts. He says that it is about an age which has already gone for a destination. Sometimes I think that should I leave the things behind or try to solve them because it has taken almost every time of my life, but I am not able to find my true destination.

Next the writer says that, but still, I have a hope that I want to live my life fully and happily. The writer says to his love that I have many wounds which are not completely healed. One day you will also lose patience to wait my recovery because there is no definite time for my healing. Although nothing can relieve my pain which I got from my life. I want to live a pain free life. But my wounds are enough deep which give me pain continuously and they are still green.

Sometimes, I think that should I forget about my desire to get my perfect destination.

3.There are many boats in my ocean like life.

In this poetry the writer says that there are many boats in my ocean like life but these boats only for showoff.Further,the writer says that no one is here who can listen to me and give me some relief.However,there is only one person in my life who can listen to me but one day his patience will go off.

Next the writer says that one day this person will go from my life with a cold behavior without explaining me things.However,I never expect anything from him, but this is the reality of today world. The writer says that nobody will stay with me because nowadays I am totally pessimistic. I am sad because I don’t have support and optimism The writer says that I lost everything.

The writer says that who want to stay with my kind of person. I am a person who don’t know where his destination and which way is I should choose. Further, the writer says that I would like to say to my fellow sufferer that please don’t wait for me because problems are never ending things process in my life. Maybe you tired from all these things so stay focused on your life rather than me.


In this heading the writer says that sometimes my enough break me inside. These broken pieces give me full depression. In that situation I am not able to sleep and relax. Undoubtedly this situation gives me feeling of restlessness and anxiety. The writer also says that when will good things happen in my life. Nowadays everything seems as unapproachable in my life.

However, the writer explores his pain and says that day by day my situation changes into a worst situation. Furthermore, he says that now I am not able to tolerate this situation anymore. This is the best to avoid this situation. I want to live my life with full hope.


1.In this poetry poet says to his campaign that please don’t be fellow of mine because I have many pains and my pain can break your patience.

2.I have many wounds in my heart and soul, these wounds already destroyed me, and they can also destroy you, so please keep yourself safe because they are not good for you. life is just like an ocean in which there are many boats but there is no boat which can helps me to find out my destination. In my life there are many ways to cross this ocean but there is no final destination

4.The writer says that everything changed but my situation will never end. I am not able to live a life which is full of joy and pleasure.Further,he says I am waiting that when my good time will come.However,I already lost hope.

5.The writer says that I need support but how can I say to my fellow suffer to wait for me till my pain may be end.

6.In true sense no one is here to support me because my suffering will never end, and this suffering may break my supporter patience. According to writer he needs time to heal the situation.

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