
just express yourself through words



Hoti na agar vo to Banta kaise sansar

Hoti na agar vo swarta kaise sansar

Iske bina duniya hai suni, Iske bina ranghin prakriti

Hum ple Iski chaya me,bhulye kaise Iske Jahaan ko

Tum to Amulya ho jo deti hume sansar ho

Ye duniya hai Jeewan ki padhshala ,Jeena bhi to Kla hai

Jeene ka jo Rashay smjhaye vo teri Mamta hai

Hum teri mamta me ple Phool, Dene tuje hume apne Sanskar

hai,Maa mamta me teri jo ple ,vo smjhe tuje Mahaan hai.



In this poem writer explains about the most important person of everyone’s life. Firstly, the writer says that no one can replace a mother. A mother can sacrifice anything for his child because she has a heart of mother. If a mother born a baby, she protects his child from everything which is not good for his child. To become a woman is a difficult job but to become a mother is the most responsible job. We can’t imagine a life without mother. Mother is most beautiful creation of God. A mother can make an individual a real human being.

Further the writer says that everyone wants a natural bond in his life. According to me, mother is the most beautiful person as well a natural relationship in this world. A mother can sacrifice anything for his children. But no one can be able to understand his love. She is most caring person in the everyone life. You can make many relationships, but you can’t make even a relationship like mother.

1.According to writer who will make this world if mother is not here on this earth. (Maa)

According to writer a mother is the creator of everyone. If a mother is not present here, then who will make this earth so beautiful. God has given special power to mother. Mother is the perfect balance of feminine emotions. She can make a child genius with perfect balance of emotions and practices. If you have mother with you then respect her because many of us are not enough lucky to have this blessing in our whole life.

A mother teaches a child how to provide nurture to others. A male child can achieve masculine characteristics automatically but where he should show love and care, he can learn only from his mother. A mother is enough powerful that she can give birth to another life. Any relationship can be selfish, but a mother can’t be selfish. She is the only person who want her children would be very successful in their life.

2.Mother is the only one who provide us life.

In this poem the writer shows the gratitude towards all the mothers on this earth. A mother is a natural giver. She can give her all the happiness to her children. However, her children should also show gratitude towards her mother without any judgment. We can earn money in our life, but we can’t find true relationship in our life again.

According to writer we should preserve our relationship in our life. Mother is the definition of true love. A mother makes a house to home. Many of us never able to understand our parents and their sacrifice for us. We should worship our mother because she is the true goddesses. A mother is worthy enough who provide us world.

3.Life is just like a school.

In this poem the writer says that life is just like a school and in this school, mother is the best teacher. According to writer as a teacher mother never sees her students to fail in any subjects. In the same way as a mother, she can’t tolerate her children fail in life. She wants that her children achieve each and everything in life. A mother always supports us in our thin and thick whatever the situation. Mother teaches us how to make impossible to possible. When a mother support you she will support you with her whole heart.

She provides us everything then this is our responsibility to provide her respect and care what she really deserves from their children. The writer says that I never see any mother who tired from her duty. She always worked hard for her children to give them proper nutrition and education. She helps them how to achieve goal in their life.

4.Life is an art. (Maa)

In this poem the writer says that life is just like an art and the mother is the teacher of that life. Everyone takes birth but who help you to live that life.May be you don’t realize the worth of mother at this time but one day you definitely realize it. Further the writer says that respect your mother because she is the only one who teaches the method how to live life without making any bad decision.

We can’t live a life without guidance, and everyone has a guide master in his home and that is his mother. We are enough busy to impress others and forget to give respect to our mother. No one can give you best advise others than your mother. Others can be selfish, but your mother never be selfish for you.

Life is a beautiful art of ups and downs, and mother is the healer of this journey. However sometimes life is not fair and some of us lost our mother in this journey. Show gratitude towards God because he gave you a beautiful mother for your growth.

5.Mother is just like a God for those who know the meaning of mother. (Maa)

As the writer already explained about mother and the love of mother for her children. Mother is a great person in everyone. A mother always supports her children with the love and care. She is an amazing parent and best well-wisher in our life. Mother sacrifices anything for her children without thinking about herself. In this world mother is a great warrior who provide life to a human cell. A mother can bear pain for her child. During labor the pain is very high, and that pain is approximately 57 del which is more than a human body can bear pain.

No one can tolerate pain for others but only a mother can tolerate anything for her children. Then how can you forget your mother just for your ambitions, I think we can achieve anything if we have support of our parents.

6.Mother can make you a gentleman. (Maa)

In this poetry the writer already explained many things which truly define mother. But her presence in anyone life can make that individual gentleman as well as genius. If someone confused in his life, then mother provides him solution and emotional support. Mother is a truly empress who care her children without any self-motives. A mother always adds good characteristics in your personality.


In this poem the writer explains the importance of mother in our life. She plays different role in our life. First role of any woman is mother.However,A woman plays all the roles with grace, but mother is always graceful and authentic person who always take responsibility of her children. We should always keep in mind that no one has courage to the play the role of mother. She gives up on her dreams just because of your dreams. She wants that you achieve all the happiness and success in this world what you dreamed of. She is good teacher and excellent motivator.

There are many people who put their parents out of their home when they are not able to earn money. Further the writer asks from public is it good to put parents out of their home? According to writer this is not a good thing. We should respect our parents as well their sacrifices for our dreams.

Updated: December 17, 2023 — 2:20 pm
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