
just express yourself through words

Kafi Hai

Kafi hai:

Hum Thode hi jeeye whi Kafi hai

Hum hr roj jeeye whi Kafi hai

Kya Fayda us Umar ka jisme hum khud

n ho,Hum jeete huye jeeye whi kafi hai.

Kafi Hai Inspirational Shayari, Inspirational poetry  kafi hai

Introduction:(Kafi Hai)

In this poetry the writer inspires us that it is not necessary to live a long life.

According to writer we should live a life everyday rather than to live a life long because quality of life matter rather than quantity of days. The life does not matter if there is not self-existence. We should live life with our wholeness. If a person is happy in his life, then that moments of life are very precious for him. When a person is unhappy then he really doesn’t want to live life. In that moment he only wants to escape from the situation or want to live that life which is full of pain and problems.

Furthermore, the writer says that it is good to live short life rather than a painful life. Where we go, we always want a life which full of happiness and prosperity. However, nothing is impossible If we want to live a beautiful life. To live a happy and healthy life is a choice not a pressure.

Further the writer says that it is better to live life which is full of life and enjoyment.

Dedicated to music#

1.It is good to live a life which is short. (Kafi Hai)

In this poetry the writer explains that it is better to live a short life rather than a long life. According to writer If a short life gives you everything which is necessary for a peaceful life, then short life is better. Now beautiful life is better than a long life. If you feel stressed in your life and want to live a life which is really good, then try to live that life.

That life may be short but cannot be stressful. As we all know long life is also good, but it should contain good things for a person. Further the writer says that What a person needs in his life a life which is full of love and care. However not everyone is enough lucky to get this kind of life. This kind of life has achieved by only few people in his life. Then we can only try and wish to get this kind of life.

2.It is important to live every day. (Kafi Hai)

In this poetry the writer says that only one thing which is really matter in our life is to live everyday whatever the condition. In our life many situations came which is full of sorrow and heart break. These situations can cause many loses in a person life and a person became helpless and hopeless. In that condition he is not able to think properly and loss the charm to live a life.

After a painful condition person not able to live a balanced life and he forgets how to smile. It is good for a person to live each and every moment. However just because of lack of emotional support he is not able to decide how to deal with the situations. Our life full of ups and downs and due to this we forget how to laugh and be happy. But there are many things which are not necessary for us, then it is better to leave those things in their natural situation. Just because which is currently happening and what will happen in life, we never lose our smile and determination.

conditions may be harsh at present, but they will definitely change so be optimistic in every situation.

3.What is the benefit of that life in which we are not included:(Kafi Hai)

In this poetry the poet says that life is a gift which is provided by God so we should live it fully. But sometime life is going continuously, and we are not able to enjoy its precious moments. According to writer if God bless you a life, then this is your accountability to enjoy that life. Sometimes our life is going but we are not present in that life means we are only passing time and not live that life. We should live that life which is necessary for our growth and development. If we are living that life which is not helping us to attain enlightenment, then what is the benefits of that life.

We are here to live a life not just passing the days. However, sometimes life become dead just because of life situation but we should never leave hope. Every day is the second chance to live a life.So,we should enjoy the ride rather than wasting the moments.

4.We should live life before completing our life.

In this poetry the writer says that we should live life before it gone completely. Once time gone nothing remains, what will truly remain in a person’s life only regret. We should live life before it become a regret. A person can do anything, but he cannot bring a past time in present. According to writer there is no need to bring past time into present because we should live in present by creating beautiful things in life.

A regret is a biggest enemy for a person so that we should always do things which is necessary for our happy life. A person cannot buy happiness, he can only buy materialistic things.

If a person tries to live life in a stressful situation, then he fails to live life completely. After that to live life to become a dream for him. However, after a difficult time he starts to regret why I didn’t live life. Then it is better to recognize this thing before it is getting delayed.

A life which we achieved by God blessings then how can we waste life which is precious. However, if we want to live peaceful life then we should make efforts for it.God provide us everything free of cost so that we should show gratitude towards them. A peaceful life is better than anything else in this world.


In this poetry the writer says that it is better if we live a short life period, but this period should contain peace and harmony in life. If our life full of stress and difficult situation, then we are not able to concentrate on happiness. According to this the writer says that we should always stay positive and happy.

Further the writer says that we should live life daily with new hope. What is the benefit of that life in which are not present means we are not willing living that life. According to writer our life contains happiness and sorrow, but we should live our life with peace.

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