
just express yourself through words



Zindagi ne tanhaiya di hme

hmne inhe apna shouk bna liya

kya pta tha adat ban jayegi tanhaiya meri

maine to inko apni fitrat bna liya.


1.Loneliness is a habit (BNA LIYA ADAT)

Sometimes life is not so good for us. It gives us many bad things. Due to these bad things, we are not able to cope with the situation and not able to stay happy, so we are trying to control the circumstances and if circumstances are not in our control, then we become. Sad and try to live alone. Sometimes it become our habit and this habit change into our nature.

Loneliness is a poison for a person, it will kill a person inside. He made him cry without any perfect reason. So, whatever the condition stays focused on what you want in your life without creating the drama. When we are alone, nobody is here to support us then we should use our time to explore ourselves.

2.The relationship between us and life is codependent (BNA LIYA ADAT)

our everything’s ordered according to life. sometimes we think that our relationship with life is not so deep, but it is really deep as we cannot even imagine. So, we should keep it in mind that everything around us just because of our life’s. This is just like a new morning for all of us. A living human being only can experience good or bad things.

So, alive yourself with inner beauty. Sometimes we feel weakness because nobody is here to support us.

But we should accept the situation and adopt accordingly. Because life gives us different lesson in different form. However, life itself a lesson. If we took birth, then this is our responsibility to learn from here.Without learning life is totally a worthlessness. If someone treat us badly then it is our responsibility to forgive him because this was his karma.

3.our presence doesn’t count by our body. (BNA LIYA ADAT)

It is count by our life and our life denoted by the decision made by us. so, live your life with dignity. It gives us many bad things. Due to theses bad things, we are not able to cope with the situation and not able to stay happy. There is a need to stay with happy and healthy mindset. Nothing can break you if you really want a satisfactory life.

Our body just the reflection of our presence but our real presence determined by our actions. If our action not good, then how can we expect good things in our life. There are many things which affects our ideas as well as our mental piece. The most important things which affects our life is our decision. Our decision directly or indirectly affects us most.

4.Isolation affect us the most:(BNA LIYA ADAT)

In this heading the writer says that isolation is just like a worst thing in our life. It affects us badly. It affects our mood as well as lifestyle. This isolation gives us a sense of worthless if we take it negatively. But if I take it positively then it will create a positive impact on our life. If we take it negatively it will destroy our self-respect and create other issues.

So, if we feel loneliness then we should work on ourselves without delayed. Isolation never comes in those hands who never able to tolerate isolation. This is only come in those persons life who can fight with it.However,isolation can give us many mental health issues like depression,anxiety,loneliness.

These mental health issues cause every type of problems. This stress also causes low self-esteem. This low self-esteem cause personality disorders.

5.Society is the reason for loneliness:

In this heading the writer says that society is the reason for isolation and loneliness. For example, when a person diagnosed with mental health issues. Then our society judge that person without understanding the real conditions of that person. Society makes that person worthless. Even society increase stigma regarding that person mental condition without knowing the situation of that patient.


In this poetry, the writer says that isolation create anxiety and sadness in a person. The person experiences lots of problems because of society. This society surface his problems without knowing the root cause. According to writer the society should help the person, but society only increase the burden of that person. Just because of society behavior that person feels loneliness.


In this heading the writer says that sometimes this sadness changes into anger. Anger causes loss of control over the situation. This is the only reason behind the writer condition. Although, this is very tough to control the situation.So,the anger caused by the situation is very harmful.

So, we have to surrender the situation to God. However, for this we need to keep patience. But to keep patience is very difficult.

8.Thought block:

In this heading the writer explains this loneliness given by the society blocks the thought.Furthermore,the writer says that thought block created by the sadness and loneliness. This kind of thought block cause mental and emotional problems.

In addition to above the writer says that this is a very bad situation. Thought blockage is the worst situation. Furthermore, the author says that be kind for those who has such kind of problems. Because if we give support to someone who has some mental health issues that support provide him courage to live life.


In my life I always feel loneliness but nowadays this loneliness become my habit and this habit change into a permanent trait of me and this trait change into my nature.

sometimes this loneliness change into sadness and this sadness creates emotional pain which leads to depression, anxiety.

In modern time persons don’t able to express themselves which leads to mental health problems, these problems effect physical body also. So, poet in this poetry request to his special person please save me from this depression it will kill my happiness.Furthermore,the writer suggest the society keep yourself vocal.

Updated: July 15, 2023 — 5:42 pm

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