
just express yourself through words







1.discription of Sayari (DEKHO KBHI)

in this sayari(poet) says to his/her loved one that you are not love me as i love you. poet says that you are very selfish kind of person. you don’t have loving attitude towards show selfish nature in love.

However, you don’t even know what true love is. You never love me unconditional. Your love is conditional, where each and everything depends on conditions, no pure form of love exists there. Hence, you are very rude towards me.However you never care about my feelings and emotions. I request you please try to understand my feelings and love me as I love you.

1.Selfish (Dekho kbhi):

In this poetry the poet says that love is not a materialistic thing; it is a deep emotion where everything depends on mutual trust and respect. Further poet says, ask yourself and your heart what true love is.It will reply to you definitely. I always give you love, and care unconditionally and never expect anything in return but sometimes it’s given me pain. However, I cannot tolerate your ignorance. As You always give me a feeling that I don’t have self -respect. However, it is breaking me inside.

Further poet says that you are very precious for me please give me some Favour. Poet says that undoubtedly you are love of my life, but you are very emotionless.

2.Ask from your heart. (Dekho kbhi)

In this poetry poet says that I am not able to understand what you truly want from me.Your uncertain behavior also confused me.The writer says that why you are not trying to understand yourself first. If you truly want to understand that what path you have to choose then to ask from your heart. If you have emotions for something, then this is the true sign of love. Then there is no need to over think about situation. Your emotions are the proof that person truly meant for you.However,you confused sometimes when situation is not in your control.So,in that situation you have to trust your intuition.

Further the writer says that if you feel stuck in a situation then self-reflection is the best thing in that case. The writer says that if uncertainty occupied your mind, then empty it.It is not good to hold things back, however you should try the things worked out.

3.Try to give me attention and love.

In this poetry the writer says to his specific person that at least give me some attention and love. Furthermore, the writer says that why are you not able to understand my unconditional love for you. Next the writer says that if I invest myself emotionally then why you are not investing yourself. The writer asked from her, that think from my perspective.

Further, the author wants to draw her attention towards him why you are not able to accept me.I am not sure what you want from this relationship.Undoubtedly,you achieved more than me in materialistic world. But my love for you totally unconditional, I think it doesn’t comparable to status. May be this fake status matter for you but in my eyes-only true feelings and emotions truly matters.

4.Try to do unconditional love. (Dekho kbhi)

The writer says that as I love you unconditionally then why you are not able to do that. When you are able to accept unconditional form of love then you will be able to give love to everybody. Unconditional love teaches you how to give love someone if one has the feeling of hate for you. It makes you a person of heart. Allow yourself for someone who is not yours.

The writer says that it helps you in healing. Love is natural thing which heal you inside and outside. When you don’t expect anything in return then it makes you a natural healer. However healing needs surrender and unconditional emotions helps you in this matter. Sympathy always is a great part of unconditional love. An Unconditional lover is always a kindhearted person.

5.What is true love.

In this poetry author asked from his loved one that what is true love. Further he says true love is selfless and great. True love teaches us how to do personal growth and healing. Its complete us. It provides us emotional and spiritual stability. True love is just like a bond which has made by God. It is just like a soul connection which never give you sense of insecurity.However,this is very difficult task to complete this true love in materialistic world. The writer says that show gratitude towards God for this beautiful bond.

Undoubtedly in today’s world rare relationship are true. Only few relationships are assumed as true because nobody in this world wants to complete their relation. Everyone works on a temporary basis and then leave another person on their situations without explain the reason.


In conclusions, the poet complaints to his companion that you are not emotionally available for me. Further poet says to her at least show some respect for my emotions. Sometimes I have some doubt that you don’t love me.

Further poet says that if you have some doubt regarding my love listen to your heart. Your heart will truly give you answer for your questions. This is the most wonderful organ of our body. Sometimes it is better to listen your heart. Further the writer says that nothing more beautiful to listen your heart.

In the end the writer says to his specific person that you are very selfish. Further he says that at least to do a true love. As I love you why you are not love me unconditional. Your mind full of materialistic expectations, and this is the reason you are not able to feel my love. Be lovable and spread love to all.

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