
just express yourself through words



Hr fouji desh ki shan hota hai

kiya gya uska hr karm nek hota hai

marte hai vatan pr jo,desh aur duniya

me unka naam hota hai.

Fouji,patriotic Sayari


1.In this Sayari poet explain the soldier’s sacrifice for their country. most responsible job of a country is solider.solidiers protect our country from inside and outside. Their duties are most difficult form of duties. There are fears of death every times. But our soldiers are brave enough to deal with any problems.

Our soldiers fight with enemies till their last breath. they never care about their lives for shake of our country. They are always available for country.

Furthermore, the writer says that we must respect soldier’s family. Undoubtedly, this is great family who allow their children to become a soldier. these families have enough courage to sacrifice their children for the country.

In above paragraph the writer explains about the importance of a soldier.

Main points of Fouji Sayari:

1.In this Sayari poet says that our solidiers our proud. Further poet says that our solidiers have enough potential to deal with enemies.

2.The solidiers are the backbone of our country. We should give them respect because they deserve it.

3.In this Sayari poet explain the sacrifices of our soldiers’. The writer says that our solidiers live far away from their family. Their whole life goes around their country.

4.Furthermore, the writer says that our country is always protected by soldiers.

5. Further the writer explains about the commitment of soldiers towards their country.

The moral value we can learn from soldiers. (Fouji Sayari)

1.COURAGE: (fouji Sayari)

The writer explains that our soldiers have courage to fight with the enemies without putting themselves first.They always thinking about patriotism. Their love for country increases their courage to fight with enemies. But they hate those who want to destroy our beautiful country. Even anyone says any bad things about our country they are not able to control.


The soldiers(fouji) love their country without any greed.They really want to save country at any cost. Sometimes it takes their lives. However, they never got extra appreciations for this. Now this is our responsibility to feel them appreciated. So, we should show some respect towards them.

3.TEAMWORK (fouji)

Soldiers(foujis) we can learn many things from our soldiers. The most beautiful thing we can learn from them teamwork. they all are worked as team.They have a team spirit rather than individual. The soldiers have a mindset of ‘we .According to them all the persons living in our country are belong to each other.


The most important thing we can learn from soldiers is sacrifice. We have a fear to deal with problems. But we can achieve courage by learning from soldiers. Present time no one want to sacrifice. But soldiers are the best example of sacrifice.

This is a very difficult task for anyone to destroy himself/herself for the shake of others, but our soldiers never stay back for sacrifices.

dedicated to music#

5.Unity :

In this poetry the poet says that we can learn many things from soldiers, but unity is the best things. In the above paragraph I already discuss about teamwork.They are always work for whole team. Nothing is more important than whole team and country. Even they can sacrifice themselves for the country.

6. Passion:

From this poetry we can learn from soldiers passionate feelings for country. They are very passionate towards country. The soldiers can do anything for the country because country is everything for them .it doesn’t matter that soldier have weapons or not but always ready to give hundred percent to win a battle against enemies.


We can learn patriotism from solidiers.They live for their country die for their country. Whatever the conditions they always love their country. Undoubtedly, what will happen it never effect the relationship of soldiers with their country.They put their country first. Their passion never gets faded for their country.


The soldiers can feel other sufferings from their heart. They cannot see others in the pain. They are empathetic enough. However, they are not empathetic for their enemies. The soldiers can kill them if anyone wants to wrong with the country. If anyone has wrong intention for the country, then they will never forgive them. Then their patriotic feelings come on the surface.


In the above Sayari the poet explains about the various things related to soldiers. The most important moral, we can learn from them is discipline. They are always disciplined. They always present in the uniform with proper shoes. Their dressing sense always awesome.They have proper routine.

10.Respect :

Soldiers always respect their Olders as well as other persons. They always respect other without any discrimination. They never see others person by their religions or culture; however, they treat them as a Indian. Furthermore, the writer says that soldiers are create safe place for everyone.So,everyone has responsibility to make them special.


In conclusion the poet says that every soldier is the base of country.They are always available for country. In odds and even they always fight for country. Their love never changes for country. The soldiers are not enough appreciated for their work. Although they work hard for country.

The soldiers have sacrificed many things for country even their basic things like food and sleep.They never got their basic need fulfillment. However, this is a very appreciable thing which is only done by soldiers.

According to writer we should show some respect for soldiers because they really deserve it.We should maintain some respectable attitude towards soldiers. The soldiers are dignified enough so we should maintain a decorum for them.

To sacrifice for something or someone is the biggest thing. Our soldiers are very special persons because God give them that power to sacrifice for country. Furthermore, the writer says that at least we should give them extra attention. We should appreciate them. Their salary should be high.

We should organize some events for soldiers in these events we should appreciate soldiers.

Updated: January 19, 2024 — 6:52 am

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