
just express yourself through words






Kismat, sad Shayari,


In this poetry the writer says that about his bad luck. He says that I am very serious kind of person, and I lived my life very seriously. After a time period I realized that something is missing in my life and my life is full of many drastic things. But I am not able to understand that why I attract only bad things in my life.

I really don’t want any drama in my life, but I want to live a happy life. But after lots of efforts I am not able to attract positivity in my life. Sometimes I think that maybe it has already written in my destiny. If a person put lots of efforts to survive in life but fail, then first thing come into his mind is his misfortune.

The person who is victim thinks that life is totally unfair with him, and he never share or complaints about his situation with others. He thinks that others will not be able to understand him very well.

Dedicated to music#

1.Life is completely disinterested:(Kismat)

In this poetry says that life is totally disinterested, nothing is present in his life which make him happy and interested. Now the writer able to understand that his life is incomplete. But he is not able to figure out the real problem. According to writer there is some problem in his life because of his destiny. His destiny shapes his life accordingly. However, this is not a factual thing, this is only an assumption.

The writer says that what he wants in his life, he never got. So, this is the reason he said this thing that his life boring and totally disinterested. In generally as we noticed that if our life not going as we want then we assume it disinterested.

2.There is no need to complaints with others:(Kismat)

In this poetry the author says that if my life is not good instead of that I don’t want to complaints about my life with others. However, the poet says this because he knows very well about his bad luck. When he wants something good then he got something very bad in his life and this is the reason he is not able to enjoy his life fully. But as a narrator I think this the negative attitude of writer regarding life.

God provide us a human life that we should enjoy it and direct it into more positive direction. According to writer his destiny already shaped his life. Now he doesn’t want to share anything with others because he thinks that if his luck is not favoring him then who will favor. Then the writer takes one step back to solve his things on his basis rather than discussing with others.

3.Life is so unfair. (Kismat)

In this poetry the writer says that life is unfair. Sometimes our misfortune or fortune decide our life flow. Although sometimes we work hard for a thing, but we can’t get that just because which is really not written in our destiny and lost that thing or person just because our fortune doesn’t support us.

On that moment We feel that life is totally unfair towards us, and this is the main reason of our dissatisfaction in our life. But sometimes we should let go the things which are not serves to us. However, it is not so easy to let go the things and situations, but these are not in our hands. Sometimes it is necessary to live a life which is stress free and authentic. Life is not unfair, sometimes our bad luck plays a role. This is life and it contain both ups and downfalls.


In this poetry the writer says that my luck never favors me.I have only bad luck in my life which is not help me in my life. I have tried altos to change it, but nothing changed in this context. However sometimes we just fall down because we are not able to find out the real reason of our pain.

But as a narrator I am not agree with the writer because I believe in hard work and the hard work is the key to success. One day everything will become fine if we think positively. If we are fair and have good intention towards life and our goals, then no one can stop us whatever the conditions. A positive person can change a negative situation into positive. Self believes and inevitable will are the most powerful tools to change any situation. A misfortune may be applied to some area but not in all places. According to me, if we blame misfortune for everything it will not help us. We should grow and act with a maturity.


In conclusion the writer explains about Kismat (destiny) poetry. In this poetry the writer says that I got consciousness when my life fade colors. According to writer his life totally become colorless at a moment. On that time no one support him, and he felt alone. At a low moment what a person expects from others support and care, but nobody gives him which he expected from them.

After some the writer realize that I think these problems already written in my destiny and if these are the part of my life then how can I deny from these. Further the writer says that and after knowing that there is no point to discuss these things with others because nobody cares. When can share things when we expect from others but in my case, I don’t expect anything from others because destiny plays his cards very well.

However, the writer not blaming anyone or anything but he just expressing his feelings how he feels. He is just saying life has shaped by destiny. Something already fixed by God before we plan. We are just the puppets of God. He knows everything about us.

Updated: January 19, 2024 — 5:53 am

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